De eigenaar van dit gastenboek heeft het toevoegen van berichten (tijdelijk) uitgeschakeld.

17:01 19-06-2018
10:20 09-06-2018
Benny Hill
Gitson is in charge of all things technical!
21:27 07-06-2018
Benny....maybe its better to ask Sam ,he was also the only one who knew how the Dyke system worked! (smartness is genetic reletated from fathers to sons! Not from brothers to brothers....sorry!)
20:57 07-06-2018
I feel much safer now!
20:51 07-06-2018
Ic king
whahaha , well done webmaster
22:12 06-06-2018
de webmaster
Due to the new privacy rules I have had to make some minor changes to the website...
22:09 06-06-2018
de webmaster
You can always ask Steve. He usually brings properly nice music
20:56 06-06-2018
Benny Hill
This time next week....we put any troubles behind us...we sling off the shackles of day to day working life...we PARTY!!!! PS Hope you guys have plenty of decent music. I can't find Git's CD collection!!!
21:21 05-06-2018
Ic king
08:18 05-06-2018
de webmaster
21:58 31-05-2018
In 2 weeks we,re still drunk
21:57 31-05-2018
Out of stock Colin
19:53 30-05-2018
Benny Hill
How's the Hardavickerbotterbitter stocks doing? We will need plenty this year!
20:00 29-05-2018
Ic king
21:02 26-05-2018
Ic king
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